Sunday 23 August 2009

You CAN'T!

Having come to an arrangement with those who are helping me to book my ticket home (I don't have a credit card let alone a convenient internet connection) I rang to let you know what the plan was. Immediately following that I sent an SMS to Larisa detailing the same and, not long ago, I received a return call, by voice, the contents of which gave rise to my title above. Monday, it seems, would be far better than Sunday so I have to go back and rehash the plan - I must not leave Spain without saying cheerio to her in person, and if I do so I will never be forgiven. Sat here in Teresa's bar, Larisa's call has reduced me to tears, literally and, for the moment, that's all I want to do - cry. Which is what I'm doing. It seems that life here is really not all about Sun, Sea and Sangria but more about a lady who once asked me, out of the blue, -¿como se llama?-and having to leave her company is what is really beginning to hurt.

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