Wednesday 13 May 2009

Frustrating Times

For the second day running I was up before the Sun this morning. Muesli for breakfast and then out to catch Mercadona opening their doors at 9-15 for a little shopping. Bar is checked, dinner is cooking and the rest of the day is mine (well, at least until 4pm.)

So, what's news?? The bar ran out of beer on Monday night (as I found out last night) bringing to fruition my suspicions that control is being lost. And it's very liable to run out again tonight in my opinion. I'm not going to pass comment except to say that Stock Control is somewhat more important than worrying about sparkly fireworks in the occasional Cocktail. The systems that Beryl had in place, and taught me, have gone to pot. Yet no-one seems to be worrying except me and I dont know why I am. Yes I do; a bar cannot be run like it is now. Trouble is that I've come to love the place, and its regular clientele, just as I did the Bar Jardin. Never mind. My Happy Hours go well and I'm done and dusted by 8pm with not another care in the world. Yesterday Mojitos were going "out the door" faster than I could make them and I'm seriously thinking about adding a Cocktail Hour into my 4hr shift. If the same happens again tonight I've prepared myself by going to buy Limes to do the job PROPERLY and made sure that there are sufficient soda waters in the chill (which there weren't, but then I don't have to do the bottling up now either.)

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