Monday 23 March 2009

I Hate Mondays

The other week, as we parted company at the bus-stop on the Wednesday evening that she came home home, Larisa told me to give her prior notice (by a day or two) of any plans of mine, for my new day off, that involve her. I immediately wondered why things were now required to be different bearing in mind that, before, on a Wednesday, I could expect an immediate reply, as always happened, as you know. In my mind (and ignorance) I brushed the instruction aside. Today, not long since, I have sent a message, an invitation to dinner out tonight. Her reply was by voice, many more minutes later than usual. My message had caught her driving in Malaga and she was obviously stressed having to use a phone while keeping an eye on the road etc., but, she replied; she is very busy working and will call me back later. Now it is becoming more clear to me why she has been so concerned about the change to my day off: Mondays she is busy with her own work, Wednesdays, it would seem, we both happened to have clear. I have little doubt that a date for dinner will not happen, the fact that she said that she will call me back later has always been as good as a "yes" but maybe I should always abide by instructions. Trouble with that is that she also said that I should always use voice but that idea still gives me "the nerves", hence the SMS earlier. Confidence is the key.

Update 1655hrs
BBrrr, BBrrr...."Hola Larisa!"
"Hola Derek. Estoy en Calahonda ahora. Tu quieres venir aqui?"
"Si, por que no, Hasta!! hasta LUEGO"
A giggle and "venga" closed the conversation.
As always I go to pieces with my spanish when talking to her on the fone but we get by with a laugh or two. Dinner is on then and I doubt whether it'll be out....she's given herself a couple of hours by not picking me up on the way by. Crafty.

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