Tuesday 24 March 2009

Same Wavelength

"Where are you?"
"Just walking up"
"OK, but where are you?"
"On the street up to you"
"Derek! WHERE are you!?"
"Oh! Erm, not far from the bus stop"
"WHICH bus stop Derek, there are two!"
"OK, meet me near the supermarket, I'll be in the car.... madre mia"

I haven't been out for a restaurant meal for a long time, much preferring to cook and eat at home because it's cheaper, but I still fancy that Chinese I was going to have for my birthday and that was my Big Plan....to take her out to a local "Chino". In the car she asked "where do you want go to eat?" "I don't mind" I replied, "I fancy a chinese." "Why don't we just go home and make one of your paellas?" "A paella? OK I'm happy with that" I said because the car seemed to be automatically nosing its way into Supersols car-park. A Fait Accompli. Included in my shop was a bottle of Lucozade because I was very thirsty (I hadn't even contemplated a bottle of wine) which was almost gone before we got back to the car. "Me too" she said "I haven't touched a drop for a week, just water, juice or soft drinks, you have such a thirst because you drank too much last night." "I had but one glass of white wine last night!" I retorted.

Having unpacked Clams (big and small), a whole squid, fresh langostinos and a breast of chicken to which other stock stuff from the cupboards was added she said "I'm going into the office to do some work, call me when it's ready." ?!?!?!??? What am I becoming? A House-Husband? My big plan had also included no cooking and, more importantly, no washing-up. Oh well, at least the squid won't be tough! And a few minutes later, after leaving a glass of water at my elbow along with some chopped veggies, she disappeared. A very measured little while later her head quietly popped up over my shoulder and I began to quake in my shoes. "Those (the clams) should be in by now!" "No they shouldn't!" "Yes they should, they have to open and that takes time." So in they went but I made sure that the squid stayed well away from the pan until later.

"Derek, the way you eat, you're such a gentleman with your knife and fork, just pick the shells up with your fingers and suck the meat out!" Following those instructions I then felt compelled to lick a finger or two. BIG MISTAKE. No more a gentleman! Next time I have to make "my" paella it will be just that - mine; no clam shells, no prawn peelings, no licked fingers, no nada because I lost my appetite for the second helping I really fancied in case I got into more trouble!!

The rest of the evening was spent in front of the TV watching a Russian film. "Are you tired?" "Yes, a little." "Your room is ready, go up when you want." Then, when the film finished (near midnight) - "We have to leave at 7-15am, I have to go to Malaga to chase up a money transfer." Which prompted from me an immediate "buenas noches!"

She is leaving for Moscow on either Friday or Monday (more globetrotting around Viktor's Empire), the day being dependant on the transfer of the funds that she needs. I already know about the trip: she warned me last week that she was expecting to have to go and I no longer worry about such things, it's her job. So, this morning we caught the first 220 into Fuengirola where she was very happy to find the Malaga Express service waiting. After a kiss goodbye, I turned my back on the bus and pulled 2 euros out of my wallet. Next thing, a very Russian accented "Derek?" sounded across the plaza. Turning round I was beckoned back to the bus...."Give me 2 euros please." Her Bonobus card wasn't covering the whole journey and she only had dollars and roubles in her purse. Strange but true... the 2 euros was already in my hand ready for her.

We'll see each other again before she goes.

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