Wednesday 5 September 2007

Would you Adam 'n' Eve it

The call came at 12:50 - "I'll be at the Torre Centro bus stop within 1/2 an hour" and, sure enough, she was. "Derek, Derek, Derek" she said, as she stepped off the bus, with a sort of drawn-out sigh running through the phrase. I just shrugged my shoulders slowly in a kind of 'I know, I'm stupid' sort of way as I moved in and gave her a peck on the cheek. Everything was fine. "Vale, quiero una coca-cola, tengo calor" - Ok, I want a coke, I'm hot. In a nearby cafe she asked, again, why I thought that she was going back to Russia so I showed her the message where she says that. "Where's the other one in which I told you that Katy goes back soon?" So I showed her that one as well. "There! That's what I said!" Erm....oh never mind. I've misunderstood, you know my Spanish isn't as good as yours. I asked if she was going to work later and she said no, I've packed the job in, I'm ill. Then she explained why she hadn't said what she said about returning home to Russia. "In October I have to have an operation. I am not very well. And on September 17th I have to go in for tests and stuff in preparation for the op." She didn't tell me what the problem is and I didn't ask because it's obviously a 'private' thing for her else she would've told me more. I sat there very quietly for an age and a day just looking into her eyes. So much so that she began to squirm under my gaze, which brought me back into the real world. "I'd very much like to go with you (for company)." "Thanks, but I prefer to be on my own." She's worried. I could see it. I asked her and "yes, I'm frightened." I will be asking again to be allowed to accompany her.

"Come with me" caused me to go and pay the 3 euro bill and next minute we were crossing the main road to Malaga and going down into the bowels of the earth (via an escalator) and the 'Centro Commercial Eroski'. I thought that she was heading for a nearby loo but sensing me hanging back she beckoned me forward and waited while I caught up. Rounding a bend in the wide corridor of the shopping mall she made towards a shop that was being fitted out for a not-too-distant opening. "These are friends of mine. They are Russian and tomorrow I have arranged to talk with them about a job." "Oh, that's nice, I hope they pay you well!" "No, not for me, for you!! You still want a job don't you?" "Yes." "Well, tomorrow I will be speaking with them." So, despite my moaning about things between us and thinking that I must have consequently upset her beyond redemption, she has a) been worrying about her health and b) running around behind the scenes trying to secure me a job. No wonder she told me that she thought I was loco. She did, she let me sizzle and just waited.

We spent the rest of the afternoon here in my apartment. She amused herself on the Internet and made a couple of calls to friends around the world via my Skype setup while I busied myself with some housework. In the evening we did the 30min walk along the 'prom' to Monte Mar and our favourite Chinese. After the meal I took her into the Garden Bar (Bar Jardin, my old bar) because I'd heard on the grapevine that there are new owners in situ who are Welsh, and I've always said that after the people who bought it from me left I'd start to use it. It's a nice bar, I like it. There is a pool table out on the terrace now so we played pool all evening while supping vodkas and tonic. I eventually told them who I was...."So you are Derek!!!! We've heard so much....." etc etc. Didn't get a freebie though. Back home here by taxi and she beat me to the bed. Again. She woke me at about 8 this morning, "I have to go." OK, do you want a cup of tea? "No" (she'd raided the fridge for a glass of lemonade) so I made myself a cup which she then promptly split into two with another cup!! I made another after I got back in from seeing her off on the train to Fuengirola. I always give her the two pecks on the cheeks Spanish style and this morning as we said goodbye at the barrier she put an arm round my neck while accepting them. Sometimes it pays to have moan. (Or could it be the new hairdo??)

Did I scare myself today? Read on. I helped Ann do a major shop earlier after her return from visiting her friend Bill (Erica's Dad) in the States. She asked me to. I did a little as well because the supermarket that we went to stocks a wide choice of foreign stuff including English and I took advantage of the fact that we'd driven in her car. No heavy plastic bags to carry too far!! She couldn't find her ID to present against her Bank Card (although the shop still accepted it despite that) and all the way home she fretted about it. When I got back indoors I realized that I'd left my wallet at the checkout complete with 100euros, all my cards (ID, Bank, Medical) and a couple of photos I carry (Austen, Aaron and Lary)!!!! I had to walk all the way back, (all uphill by the way) in the heat of the late afternoon when the day is invariably at it's hottest, worrying all the time that it would not be there. Thankfully it was, exactly where I'd put it down. No-one had noticed it. Phew!!

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