Thursday 6 December 2007

Angels do Exist.

I lost custom today; turned one away while up to my neck in effluvium and then shut the doors for 45 mins while mopping up which, incidently, is beginning to give me a sore throat. Three incidences today, one of which was particularly bad...the stench was awful. Mind you the tree was decorated tonight. I must look up the meaning of Priority in the Oxford English. Never mind, tomorrow Lary is coming into town and hopefully we will meet for a few hours which will take my mind off the prospect of having to go to work and back to the mop. Actually it's a damn good job that I'm there in the early evening otherwise the "old" opening at 9pm would be fraught with problems. How's that song go? "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life", she'll never know just how important the possibility of seeing her is just at this moment, her message at 2130 was manna from heaven.

Re: Ann I overheard David telling folk in the bar today that Ann might well be coming home at the end of next week. She is improving day by day.

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