Saturday, 8 December 2007

Final Post

It appears that much of what I say here is perceived as gossip. So, this blog is now closed. My letters to my Mum will now go back to being private. Shame. Byebye

1 comment:

Stan Laws said...


I was disappointed to note your view that you think you comments are gossip!

I have only just figured out that I can comment!

I have read with interest your Blog over several months and I have loved every comment and your thoughts. I think I have even tried your recipes.

We have visited Torremolinos regularly over the past few years and we enjoyed our Christmas lunch in the Red Lion last Christmas day (2006).

My wife and I will be back in Torremolinos this Christmas (from 18th December 2007).

Thanks for your Blog so far - we may even bump into you at the bar you now work in.


Stan Laws