Thursday 10 April 2008

Tea Smoked Salmon with Fennel

So here's what I did for last night's meal:

First a couple of potatoes were put to cook for eventual mashing. Then a piece of alifoil with 2 teaspoons of tea, 1 teaspoon of whole cloves and a crushed cinnamon stick on it was placed into my Wok and put on a lowish heat. The top photo shows the idea. Whilst the spices were heating the Salmon Fillet was placed in the Bamboo Steamer and placed over the spices. Once smoke was being generated the steamer was lidded and the Salmon smoked for about 12 minutes. The photo below shows the setup waiting for the smoke to start.

Whilst the Fish was smoking a sauce was started using some creme fraiche, a good dash of Lemon Juice, the "dill" (which can just be seen to the left of the Wok in a bowl) and a couple of tablespoons of the prawn stock, all mixed together and left to gently reduce a little under a half-beedy eye. Then half the prepped Fennel (there's only me don't forget so the other has been put away in the fridge for another day) was suatéed with a couple of chopped cloves of garlic for a few minutes until softening. Once that was done they were left to keep warm in the pan whilst the smoked salmon was quickly finished off in a hot "griddle" pan with some olive oil. Whilst the Salmon was resting the potatoes were mashed with a good dollop of horseradish sauce then all was served on a warmed plate, the salmon, dressed with some "Dill" sauce, on a bed of Horseradish Mash accompanied by Fennel and, on the side, a glass of Rose Wine.

My Landlady poked her head round my open front-door (I'd left it ajar deliberately for her just in case her time of arrival was inconvenient for to open it) just as I was removing the fish from my homemade smoker. I think she was quite bemused with all the smoky aroma and me in a pinny etc. And I could still smell the smokiness this mornng despite having run the extractor fan over my cooker at the time.

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