Tuesday, 20 November 2007


The rain has arrived (there's a slight sprinkle falling as I write) so I'm going to get my skates on and get to the shops before the heavy stuff gets here.

Ann & David have been told by the Doctor that she is a lot better since he last saw her 4 weeks or so ago. Her medication has been slightly changed in an effort to decrease the side effect causing her not to sleep. Hopefully, with this good news she'll become less anxious and stop worrying so much about her situation. Difficult I know, I was 'there' myself last January for a few weeks. He wants to see her again early next month to check on progress etc etc.

It is doing its best to rain so I think that the forecast is right and that we are due for a proper soaking later. That 5 euro tip has just gone towards a trolley load of shopping which, if I think about it, has been totally covered by tips alone and I've still got some left in my wallet. Altogether a pleasant bonus.

Last night was another pleasurable experience even to the point of having a kiss blown my way with the comment "un caballero" - a gentleman, which made me feel 10 feet tall. I'm really hoping that Favio's cold drags on a bit and that I can work through the evening for a little longer, maybe even give him a night off or two in the future although Beryl's holiday is fast coming to an end.

I haven't had Liver & Bacon/Onion since the Red Lion shut (it was on the menu) so I've bought some today for a treat. Trouble is that I desperately need to defrost my little freezer but everytime I go shopping more stuff gets shoved into it...the liver is packed as two slices for instance, meaning 1 has to be stored for another rainy day. Talking of which, it is really getting grey outside now, I'm going to have to switch lights on I think, nearly 2 inches of rain is forecast to fall through till the morning.

I've got some prawns thawing for today's dinner. Somewhere I've seen a recipe for Pasta with Prawns, now where was that......................?

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