Monday 2 June 2008

Burned Out

I kind of got waylaid last night, way beyond my expected return home of about 2215 due to popping into The Ship for a drink and then hearing a "hello" in my left ear only to see Teresa taking the barstool next to me. A little later we decided to adjourn to Ana's, which was busy so we moved on to Sheerin's, having met up with Bill, David and Crystal. Needless to say I was late home. Too late to save the Stock I'd left simmering on was well boiled dry. A bin job. Mercadona sell chicken carcasses for stockmaking as a shelf item at just a few cents a Kg so I thought that I would get one today after having gone in to Fuengirola this morning to act as a witness at a Consulate. Of course, when you want something it's never there and I had to come away with a Turkey one instead, and right now we are back at a simmering stage while I write this. The weekend has been hectic one way and another and I also had a bad night's sleep on Saturday due to being plagued by Mosquitos all night long; a problem now resolved with the purchase of an electric vapour thingy that, last night, seemed to work well. Early night tonight, relatively speaking, for me though, once I'm happy that the replacement stock is OK.

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