Wednesday 17 September 2008


Teresa and I have just had what is probably the best night
ever in the bar. Hopefully not a fluke but more to do with a couple of recent radical changes to the way that the bar is managed. After long discussions with Favio and Ana-Mary the pair of us have managed to get our own way in the way things are done because, despite Favio's ditherings, Ana-Mary has taken all onboard and persuaded him to listen to us and, at least, try what we are suggesting. Repeat performances like tonight will prove us right and we have every confidence that that will be the case. The only trouble is that here I am at 4-30am, having more-or-less just got home, waiting for a meal to finish cooking. The carrot, of course, is that Favio promised more wages for increased business and we will hold him to that, mark my words and watch this space as they say. Why's the room full of choking blue smoke?......I'm not paying attention to the heating deep-fat fryer!!...must go.

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