Sunday 25 May 2008

Sunday Brunch

A little cloudy and a spit or two of rain is the order of the day at the moment, but still a lot better than the UK which, it seems, is heading for the usual (traditional) Wet Bank Holiday. Lately the weather has been quite warm here, 32ºC recorded on my terrace in the shade on Friday, prompting me to use my Air Conditioner for the first time this year in the bedroom overnight because it never dropped below 24ºC. The fine weather has also brought the first bloom out on one of the plants that Lisa gave me which makes my hard work with the watering-can very worthwhile.

Eggs, Bacon, Beans and Potato Cakes a little later for a Brunch and in the meantime, while I wait to eat, I have made the cakes, giving them a tiny weeny little twist that living in Spain inspires.

Potato Cake Makes 3.
4 Small to Medium Cooked Potatoes, Mashed.
1 clove of Garlic, crushed
3 heaped tablespoons of flour
Good pinch of Dried Thyme
Good pinch of Dried Parsley
Level teaspoon of Dried Dill

1 Beaten egg
Some flour seasoned with a level teaspoon of Hot Paprika (Spanish Smoked??)

METHOD (The photo shows mine made, ready to cook).
Combine the mashed potato, flour, garlic and herbs and work with a wooden spoon until it all "comes together" and becomes doughy. Divide this into 3 and form each portion into a pattie, dip into beaten egg then roll in the seasoned flour to coat. Slowly fry in some Olive Oil over a medium heat until very nicely browned on both sides.

I did not cream my mash ie no butter or milk was added.
The flour quantity is not definite. Yours needs might be slightly different.

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