Wednesday 23 January 2008


Towards the end of my shift tonight Helen & Ray came in because Helen had a "T" Shirt she'd bought back in Florida that she wanted to give to me. I haven't tried it on yet because I'm dealing with my Beef Stew, Dumplings, Mash and Spinach dinner - the stew is still cooking in the slow cooker while the veg and dumplings are boiled etc. Service is about 20mins away I think. Anyway all that is beside the point. Barry and Tina happened to be in the bar at the time and so another "annual" reunion occurred which I managed to snap, but don't tell!. I overheard Helen (and I'm sure that she won't mind) pass on greetings from others still in the States including Gerry & Jane who live in Michigan and haven't been able to make their annual pilgrimage here this year. They are sorely missed. My photo, taken surrepticiously with my mobile phone cam, makes 9pm look like daylight. Clever, these Japanese!!

Blow it!! I've forgotten (yet again) that the flour here is not self-raising. Not having added some baking powder I think that my dumplings are going to be a bit stodgy. Oh well, I might not need a sweet afterall.

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